Smoking Harms Unborn Babies Videos

Speaking about motivation, watching these kind of videos may strengthen your will to quit smoking even more. Below videos can enhance your knowledge on what smoking can do to your baby. Please watch them till last if you really love your yet to born baby. Good luck!

Don't Smoking Pregnant

Quitting Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking Harms The Embryo

Quitting Smoking While Pregnant

When You Smoke Baby Smoke

Quitting Smoking While Pregnant

Quit Smoking Experts

When the question 'What's the best way to quit while pregnant?' arises, the best answer is always 'Ask your doctor for help'. that is quite true, isn't it?

However, we must remember that every person is different. That is where some doctors might want you to try on your own and let you cut back gradually. The doctor might told you not to quit cold turkey that the stress may affect to much on you and the baby but some people do have success immediately on the spot.

So, which one to follow? The more suitable question is which method suits you best?

Quitting smoking while pregnant needs will-power and motivation. Unfortunately, I guess some people don't have that. You may have experience one of your friends had "intentions" of quitting the whole time she was pregnant and never did. The other friends got really tired of listening to her about it. Never understood why she couldn't just quit. 

There is nothing abnormal actually. It's just that she need extra attention and help.

So to say, she need to listen to quit smoking experts.

I know you wanted these smoking things GONE from your body, your LIFE, your baby - I found quit smoking guide written by a quit smoking expert and I am here to tell you - IT WORKS!

In fact, this guide guarantees to STOP your smoking habit forever or your money back.
Seriously, why not finally use a guide that actually works the first time?

This guide is written by a guy that knows how to throw away your smoking habits naturally - he is a proven quit smoking expert. He tells the tips and tricks for getting ALL the smoking habit out of your head and he guarantees this will work or your money back.

The guide is written in easy-to-understand language and has a ton of good information. I personally think you get at least 10 times your money's worth with Quitting Smoking While Pregnant.

Best of all, you don't have to decide now if Quitting Smoking While Pregnant is the right program for you. 

Just get it and try it out asap.  If it doesn't do everything I say -- and more -- you have nothing at all to worry about because you can get every dime of your money back-- so you have nothing to lose but get away your smoking habit far from your baby

Try to quit smoking?

I know it's hard for you to try to quit smoking and it doesn't help that if your man is still smoking around. Makes you want one so bad. Unless your husband is not a smoker, getting angry every time you smoke will help you want to quit more.

Here are few ideas for you:

One mom said she kept an article on what smoking does to unborn baby in her purse and every time it seemed like she was going to lose her mind for a cigarette, she read it and remembered why she needed to quit.  Something about a helpless baby was more powerful than her own life. All she could think about was the baby. You too couldn't bring yourself to do anything that had any possibility of harming the baby. Do you?

Have you done any research or known anyone that has any of the possible side effects to the baby while she smoking pregnant? This is not meant to sound controversial. Some people just don't know, don't care, don't bother or have never known anyone. It's so awful. I strongly believe that the more you know, the easier it is to make the right decisions.

Whenever you want a cigarette close your eyes and try to envision your little bean in your tummy surrounded by smoke and coughing really hard. That's what a mom did with her first pregnancy. It worked like a charm. She didn't have to cut down or anything.

Do you have morning sickness yet? If your morning sickness was so bad, smoking may not impossible for you. If you are down to one, go down to a half and then try to stop. Focus on your morning sickness... and just focus on your body temperature you 'll feel like you are burning in a furnace right after your smoke.. your baby will sure detest your smoking. and try and puke right after you smoke... that sick feeling with the horrible smell of cigarettes will help you hate it. If you have to quit it you'll have to hate it not love it.

You all can quit smoking, you just have to want it bad enough. Fortunately, if you get a little guidance in the matter, you can go through this accordingly. I highly recommend the guide Quitting Smoking While Pregnant as a source for this.

Pregnancy and smoking

Well just think about it and look at what chemicals are contained in cigarettes alone

Chemical (Found in): Carbon monoxide (car exhaust), Nicotine (bug sprays), Tar (material to make roads), Arsenic (rat poison), Ammonia (cleaning products), Hydrogen cyanide (gas chamber poison), Cyanide (deadly poison), Acetone (nail polish remover), Butane (cigarette lighter fluid), DDT (insecticides), Formaldehyde (to preserve dead bodies), Sulphuric acid (car batteries), Cadmium (used to recharge batteries), Freon (damages earth's ozone layer), Geranic acid (a fragrance), Methoprene (a pesticide), Maltitol (a sweetener not permitted in foods)

While none of those chemicals is good for your baby, two compounds, nicotine and carbon monoxide are especially harmful. These two toxins account for almost every smoking-related complication in pregnancy.

The most serious complications including stillbirth, premature delivery, and low birth weight. What happen is the red blood cells that carry oxygen start to pick up molecules of carbon monoxide instead and caused reduction your baby's supply of oxygen.

 I personally think if you really care about the safety of your baby you can get a quick glance at Quitting Smoking While Pregnant as a source of reference.

Smoking Effect

“Quitting Smoking” is the slogan of the hour. We all know that smoking is hazardous to health. It has very severe ill effects like respiratory problems, lung cancer, breast cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, reproductory problems, etc. Furthermore, what if someone is pregnant and smoking. What is the effect to the baby? It is thus the need of the hour that we should free our selves from the clutches of the deadly disease. But it is not an easy task to actually quit smoking completely once a person has started it. Smoking makes a person its slave and he becomes addict to its use - check out Quitting Smoking While Pregnant. I can't recommend it enough!